MVUC Launches New Campaign – February 15, 2021
Unemployed workers in Pennsylvania are angry and frustrated. We know that the state UC and
PUA systems are broken. We know that hundreds of thousands of people are still waiting for
benefits. We know that longer term unemployment will continue, and that the Federal
Government must extend these programs until the economy fully recovers.
State and national political leaders have the power to fix the broken UC and PUA systems. They
have the responsibility to act immediately. But they need to hear our voices loud and clear.
They need to understand our needs. And they need to know that we are organized.
We at the Mon Valley Unemployed Committee have been organizing grassroots economic
justice campaigns for nearly 40 years. Just in the past year, we have directly helped nearly 1500
unemployed people fight for their UC and PUA benefits.
We are working with other unemployed organizations, allies and community leaders in a
campaign to fix the broken state administration of benefits and to demand that our federal
elected officials pass UC and PUA extensions.
You are not alone. Unemployed people throughout Pennsylvania are sick and tired of this
broken system, and we’re getting organized. Join us.
We demand that Governor Wolf publicly recognize that the unemployment system is in crisis and act immediately to hire whatever staff is needed to answer the phones and emails and resolve the enormous backlog of cases.
We demand that Congress pass the UC/PUA extension until October 2021 and raise the Federal supplement to $400.
The MVUC Pandemic Response Group